One of the major sponsors of the Heat is BETTA (@Thats_Betta).
At the beginning of BBL season 5 (2015-2016) BETTA ran a competition for a VIP experience at a Heat home game (the Gabba). Accordingly, the aforementioned Autistic one entered said competition and won!!! The prize included, amongst other things, the ability to take five of your friends to the last Heat home match of BBL05. Naturally I was one of the chosen as was the Mini Brat.
Friday 8 Jan 2016 was THE DAY.
I dutifully went to The Mausoleum, visited with the Dragon Lady, then swung past the abode to pick up the Min Brat and off we tootled down the hill.
A side trip to Amberley delayed us for 20 minutes and then onto the Cunningham Highway and onwards to Brisbane.
The Normal Autistic Girl rings just as we get to the Wellington Apartment Hotel...she has missed the bus...grab a cab I say I'll pay. It does not do to be late for these things!!
We all meet at the entrance to the hotel and walk jauntily of to the adventure awaiting us. The Normal Autistic Girl has been vague about exactly what we are in for.
We meet the rest of our merry little band at Gate 6 at the Gabba, we also meet the BETTA representative who provides tickets. special wrist bands AND...a HEAT jersey for each of us!!!!!
We wonder why we need the wrist bands, did I hear we will have our own security guard? Why do we need one of those?
It becomes pretty bloody obvious as we enter section 13 and proceed to the boundary gate where we are then led ONTO the Gabba and shown our seats for the night.......OMG we are ON THE GABBA!!!!
We are sitting in a special area that has cane lounge and chairs, three bar tables and some stools, a fridge full of every soft drink and water, and a freezer full of Magnums!!!
We were a little naughty...we swanned in and out of the area a few times to the envious looks of the other people in the crowd Official crowd figure was 33,783.
Then the food started coming out; BBQ'd Prawns and chicken breast fillets, a huge selection of sandwiches, wraps and rolls and later on party pies and sausage rolls!!!!!
Talk about being looked after.
Part of the appeal of the T/20 BBL is the crowd involvement. There is a lot of 'anthem' type songs played that get the crowd clapping and singing, and woe betide the opposition player who drops a catch.. a certain Wiggles song is played!! (Hot Potato Hot Potato). The game may only last a few hours but it is quick and intense and fun to watch.
Yes there was a game of cricket and yes the Heat lost BUT...we had an amazing night thanks to BETTA and the Normal Autistic Girl!
Please scroll the picture across to see ALL the merry bunch.

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